BMS Settings for EVE LF280K 16S

Who can help me with the best settihgs for Victron combined with EVE LF280K 16S and Batrium Watchmon?

I have seen a lot of comments that Batrium is not properly working with LiFePo4.
Is this correct, or with latest software it is still a good match.


Hi John,

Batrium gear works well with all common chemistries. A majority of new systems are using the exact configuration you are using, hence our work to develop the K9 as the perfect way to measure 16 cells.

We’ve just published a video on how to set up a new Batrium system, and we picked those cells as an example as they are very common:

Let me know if you have any specific questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link.

But I have the system up and running for several months now. As we have several sunny days, I am trying to optimize/fine-tune the system for voltages and currents for the entire charging and discharging conditions.
What settings should be in the Victron (voltages) and what setting should be in the Batrium (voltages and currents)?
Also what are the optimal remote settings for charge and discharge?


Hi John,

Please check your other post, I’ve analysed your system and posted some tips there :slight_smile:


I’ve been using these exact batteries with Watchmon Core, 3 x Cellmate K9 and 500A shunt on Victron Multiplus II 10kW 240v and a Cerbo GX. 3 x banks of 16 x EVE-LF280K to give 840Ah.

This has run very nicely for 1.5 years so far, here are my settings.

I will post the Victron ESS settings once the forum allows me (limited to 3 posts for new user)


What are your thoughts for the High voltage (CV11) and Critical high (CV12) as both are above the values of 3.65V as stated bij EVE.


High voltages of @simat01 are way too high. Above 3.37V LiFePo4 cells get overcharged and will be destroyed slowly. See this article: Charging Marine Lithium Battery Banks | Nordkyn Design
Normally I do no charge above 3.37V per cell and I do not discharge below 3.00V. Above and below these two values, there is not much usable capacity, but you’re destroying your cell chemistry over time.
From time to time (once a month), I raise charge voltage to 3.45V per cell for top balancing. This must only be done, when state of charge is already at 99% and charge current converged to 0A.

Especially in photovoltaik system, you want to get maximum lifetime out of your cells and therefore you should be very conservative with cell voltages.

Kind regards,

Hi John,

The charge voltage doesn’t seem to go any higher than CV10

Below are my Victron settings that also limit the voltage ranges

Thanks for the info Marcus, i’ve seen many differing options on charge and discharge voltages, SOC range etc. The battery manufacturers obviously want to sell you more batteries, i guess time will tell. My batteries only get charges at 0.16C max (140A shared over 3 x 16 280Ahbatteries)

Victron system does not allow configuring a charge termination condition, which would be necessary in this case, when going above 3.37V per cell with charge voltage. Therefore the only save way to charge LiFePo4 is to limit charge voltage to 3.37V per cell or 54V for 16s system.
Btw. charger settings in MultiPlus are only fallback values. If BMS or GX fail, MultiPlus will normally go into passthrough mode. And charger configuration in MultiPlus is designed for lead acid cells. Absorption for LiFePo4 is there but done in seconds, not hours. So the only useful charger setting for the fallback case is the float voltage, which should be the same for absorption.

Hi Marcus,

Please can you detail your recommended settings, CV10 = ?? etc Charge Ramp settings etc… so that I can test this end. My settings have been in service for 1.5 years and were copied from another Batrium user that I cannot find reference to atm.

Screenshots of a similiar spec system would be nice.


If you’re using Victron system, the only values communicated from Batrium to Victron for charging/discharging are CVL, DCL and CCL. CCL even has no effect in ESS systems, when you want to feed in from DC.
CV10 only controls in Batrium when to go from normal charge targets to limited charge targets. And as said, CCL may not even have an effect. Furthermore, changing CVL, especially lowering it with feed in from DC, causes the inverter to immediately discharge the battery into the grid. Side note: Batrium send in some pre-release version CVL 0V to Victron, which means, MultiPlus give everything to get the battery to 0V, meaning discharging them with the highest possible power.
To sum this up: I might be useful in some systems to lower CCL. It does not make sense to me to lower CVL in my eyes.
CVL is always 55.2V on Batrium side. I limit this in DVCC settings in Victron to 54V. I have to take a look into WatchmonToolkit, to what I have configured CV10, but it is not useful to control charging in some Victron systems.
And furthermore, I still don’t know your use case. I would say, most settings are very sensitive to use cases. That’s exactly, why they are changeable. And copying settings is mostly not a good idea.

My use case is ESS, i also have 5kw on a Victron SmartSolar MPPT 450/100 charging direct to the LifePO4, controlled by BMS. This morning it has charged up and is currently sitting on float at 54v

I’m also not using DVCC, i thought using DVCC was the old way of doing things, and Victron and Batrium have improved the software not to require it anymore… but I’m not sure, there are so many different setting in the Batrium and Victron software, it could do with a proper howto setup…


Here is your howto: 11. DVCC - Distributed Voltage and Current Control

Thanks but thats not very helpful, i meant a Batrium Cellmate K9 with Victron Multiplus with LifePO4 batteries howto. The settings I’ve used are basically the same as the Batrium Wizard settings for LifePO4 long life so i’ll stick with them.

This is a simple and very common use case, i can’t use the settings you mention because I can’t figure where they fit on the batrium or Victron systems.

Screenshots from a working system you approve of would be far more useful.

Marcus, so are you saying just set this to 54v ? Are there any other setting to alter ? I’ve literally just enabled DVCC on the Victron and changed this value, nothing else.


There was a mention in some previous Batrium documentation that they would be able to control DVCC, but i guess that hasn’t been implemented yet.