Wizard speichert nicht / wizard does not save

Hallo Leute,
ich habe wirklich das gesamte Forum und Wicki durchgelesen kann mir aber nicht helfen
bitte um Hilfe.
32 (2/16) Zellen Lifep04
WatchmonCore, 2x CellMate-K9, ShuntMon500A
habe auch schon das System vom Strom getrennt … Wizard speichert nicht
bleibt immer oranges symbol

Hast du denn den Code beim speichern eingegeben?

ja natürlich, rückseite

so endet er , dennoch Oranges symbol.

Hi @Hans we have responded to your email on our support inbox. Please look into following the instructions sent.

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Danke, es funktioniert.
Nach mehreren Versuchen des neuesten Firmware update + drücken der Program - Taste am WatchMonCORE hat es geklappt.
Der Wizard ist nun zufrieden (grün), ich auch.

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Can you please post the instructions here for all? I have the same issue with my system, the Wizard says it is saved but does not turn green and the check list says that it is not done… The system has been running about 6 weeks and is working good otherwise… The firmware update went fine just the Wizard won’t go away…

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Can you please send me the instructions too. The wizard doesn’t turn green for me either.

Kind regards

Hi @AllanWiens and @Neo999

The issue of the Wizard not saving has been resolved in Build 40 onwards.

It is generally advised to update to the latest software release. We’ve recently pushed Build 46 as the latest release.

You can download setup at WatchMon Toolkit Installer 2.17.46
[ You may need to copy and paste the following URL into your browser for it to start
https://link.batrium.com/s46dca ]

Upgrades to this preview release are not recommended for older hardware (WM4/WM5/MM8). We will announce as soon as it is ready for adoption.

If you have the old supervisor hardware, you can send us an email at info@batrium.com so we can further assist you.

My installation is based on Victron Multiplus, Watchmon Core and BlockMon M8. What is the latest version of software recommended for this installation? What is the estimated date for version 46 but compatible with blockmon?