I use victron Multiplus with my Batrium WM5.
I’m charging to the Long Life Lion defaults (4.1) - Can you please confirm the correct remote voltage?
I can set it to exactly 14x 4.1 = 57.4
however I’m not sure if this is ‘enough’… Is it good practice to set this to the exact amount or slightly higher?
Usually the remote voltage charging limits, which are pack level, are the lowest but they need to be high enough so that bypass is able to reach completion, i.e If your target is remote target is 57.4V then the Bypass Voltage must be below 4.1V (e,g. 4.05V, 4.07V) so that all cells can reach bypass without the remote target being reached.
The control logic charging targets are a bit higher. You wouldn’t want these to be the same as the remote e.g. 4.1V as it would then send a message to the inverter to stop charging if any reach 4.1V and would probably never reach the remote pack level limit. So this one may be e.g 4.15V, thus if any one cell is high but remote pack level still OK you still get warned to stop
The critical is the final level if neither the inverter nor charging logic have stopped it. This is normally set to trigger a circuit breaker as the last defence.