I managed to lose the little connector that fits in the socket for the RS485 pins. What is it called? If someone has a part number I could toss into Digikey, even better. This is a Watchmon 4, so it’s the little 3 pin connector with the flathead terminals on it.
Unfortunately we haven’t written firmware that uses the RS485 connector as CAN inverters have well and truly taken over the small-to-medium scale protocols.
Could you talk a little more about what you are trying to achieve with your WM4?
It’s a 3.5mm pitch Phoenix-style connector if that helps. A few manufacturers make these with small variations, so it might be a little tricky to get one that fits as well as your old one did from us (we buy them in batches of pairs)
Unfortunately RS485 is just a communication standard, not a protocol. In other words, it defines the voltages and the way the devices are arranged electrically, but not what actually gets sent over the wires.
Without a protocol document (you can ask the manufacturer) we can’t really talk to it. We can still do safety stuff like balancing, monitoring or opening circuit breakers, but we won’t have as much control.
I would love to be able to tell the charge controller “stop charging” over the RS485 port, so that I don’t overvolt cells once they hit their cutoff voltage.