Take the supervisor supply from a fused tap point from the battery that is less than 30V?

I note from your email for the WatchMonCORE if the voltage is above 30Vdc (i.e. 48V pack voltage), we recommend always connecting the supervisor supply to a DC-DC (ideally, 24Vdc) to ensure a robust, long-term, and reliable product.

Maybe I am missing something here, but is it not possible to take the supervisor supply from a fused tap point from the battery that is less than 30V. Appreciate your advice as if I can use one less component that would be good.

Looking forward to receiving the Batrium and getting it running.

Hi Theo!

Please be advised that doing a center tap will unbalance your battery pack and it will be constantly discharging that part of the pack.

In addition, in a center tap, if it loses the negative and not the positive it has the potential to reverse the voltage of the equipment and damage it.

Hi Renzee

Thanks for the feedback.

I have purchased a DC to DC converter - the recommended one on the Batrium web site.