SoC% not reported correctly to Victron

It looks like the SOC is not reported correctly to Victron, if it is 100%. The value send to Victron is still 99.
If the SOC is below 100%, the values are correct (apart from the fact, that the decimal digits are cut).


In my case, the 100% are only reported correctly, if the Bypass Session has Completed.
For the K9 Cellmates that means, that every Cell is above the Bypass Session value (CA3).


strange, either SOC is 100% or not. Why Batrium reports 100% in their Toolkit but reports only 99% to Victron?

If 100% were reported to Victron, Victron would stop charging and voltage would drop to float voltage.
Charging voltage and current need to be kept as balancing needs some time and requires a little charge current to charge cells with lower voltages while those with higher voltages are discharged by the CellMate.
So in this case the behavior of Batrium works very well and integration with Victron is totally correct.

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Please know that this is deliberate. The BMS will limit the value it transmits to the inverter to 99% and not 100 until the charge is complete. This is because we want the inverter to continue to charge to allow the batteries to balance up to the threshold.

When complete, it transmits 100%. The system will also limit to 100% even if it exceeds this value so that internally, the BMS can recalibrate when all balancing has been completed.

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Does victron look at SOC at all when determining the charge voltage and current or does it just follow the BMS’s CVL and CCL ?

Or is this dependant on weather DVCC is activated or not?

Eitehr way, SOC seems a weird value for the charger to follow as this can be inaccurate.

That is also my understanding. I’m pretty sure, that Victron does not uses the SOC in their charge algorithm. With a CAN bus connected BMS, Victron considers the battery to be intelligent and hands over full charge/discharge control to the BMS. So Victron does, what the BMS tells them to do and the only parameters used for that are CVL, CCL and DCL. And if you have DC coupled PV with grid feed in allowed, even CCL is ignored, so that the only reliable way to control is CVL.