Smoke Detector Integration

Dear Batrium Team,

I am writing to you today to discuss a potential safety feature that could be integrated into your battery management systems (BMS). As you know, one of the greatest potential threats to solar systems is DC arcing, which can occur due to a variety of factors and can lead to catastrophic fires.

This guy House burned down | DIY Solar Power Forum had his house burned down due to arcing after 4 to 5 years of usage. Coincidentally, he used Batrium BMS.

I propose that you integrate a smoke detector into the BMS, which would allow the BMS to go into critical fault mode and shut down charge and discharge in the event of an arc. This would help to prevent the arc from spreading and could save a lot of systems in the event of a fault.

I understand that there is an unused port on your BMS, and I believe that this may be the ideal location for the smoke detector integration.

I would be happy to discuss this proposal with you in more detail, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best regards.

On the Expansion card there are two inputs
i cannot find any documentation that states what the input functions actually do
but it would be worth trying Remote Fault or Critical contact sensor fault
to se if it would shut down the BMS

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