SMA Tripower Smart inverter, BMS integration

Hi, i have a SMA sunny Tripower Hybride inverter.
This inverter is compatibel whit HV battery only.
Approved battery list:
BYD HVM 11.0-22.1 ( Max 25A)
BYD HVS 5.1-12.8 ( Max 30A limited by SMA)
LG Resu Flex 8.6-17.2 ( Max 22A)
And other less known brands.

I did by an WatchMon Core + 5 Celmate K9 + Shuntmon 500A.

Now i have problems setting up the Can bus communication to the SMA inverter.
The SMA inverter checks the first 5 minutes after power up for the connected BMS, the battery type ( and BMS) is not having settings to be set, these are read from Canbus.

Now i did try the following protocols:
Project Lychee ( LG RESU simulation)
Reserved 33 for ( Pylon HV simulation)
Reserved 40 for ( BYD HVS simulation)
Now non of them seem to be abel to communicate whit my inverter.
Some protocols give a Rx counter increasing so CANbus wiring is correct.
And setting Remote settings " to default
And after rebooting WatchmonCore and my SMA inverter there is no correct communication.

I did the FW update of the Watchman core and i have set the Celmate K9 in simulation mode as i have not yet bought the battery cells. ( First check that the BMS is capable of working whit my SMA inverter)

I would like to get my BMS system running the “BYD HVS 5.1-12.8 ( Max 30A limited by SMA)” .
Can someone assist me whit my required settings ?
I am strongly doubting on the Canbus " Base Address", Remote Address, Group Address.

Hi Koen,

We’ve just received a protocol document that suggests SMA have requested special treatment from the BMS for the Tripower.

We are working on a beta release that incorporates the new protocols into our next major software release 55.

Please email us at so we can send you a link to test the new profiles. Include a Manual Extract so we can check your CANBUS settings too:
SUPPORT - Manual Extract Report | Batrium Knowledge / Wiki

Keen to get your new system up and running :slight_smile:

Thanks for the information.
I did send an e-mail.

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