Problem with Re-Calibrate Hi SoC

Hallo batrium community

does anyone else have a problem with the Re-Calibrate Hi SoC since the last update? In the current version, it no longer calibrates the SoC for me.
In the version before it worked without any problems. I can’t get it to work right now. Can anyone help?

Firmware Version 14.4.81
Software Version 2.17.55

Does no one have a problem with calibration?

Before the update, it worked

after the update

Hi Tom,

Thanks for posting! We fixed a bug where SoC could recalibrate constantly at the top of charge and disrupt measurement, and we also made a lot of changes to charging and balancing logic with our Dynamic Volt Targets.

I’ll take a look at your system today and see if I can find anything amiss config-wise, and after that we can dig into the changes in 55 a bit more.

Sorry about the delay! We’ve had a busy week working on new exciting stuff :slight_smile:

Hi Tom,

I’ve had a look and it seems your DVCC hasn’t been configured correctly:

Check out this video to set some different values there:

Once you’ve done this, we’ll watch your system for a few days and look deeper if needed :slight_smile: