Not Authorised To Be In Setup Mode

I can’t proceed with the installation of the Batrium cell mate K9 because I get an error “Not Authorised to be in setup mode”. Please provide information how to solve this issue.

The message “Not Authorized To Be In Setup Mode” occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. You need to be connected via USB to make changes if you are connected via WiFi (this is a security thing and you will need to get the USB out)

  2. When the Software and Firmware are mismatched, the system will stop you from being able to update. (e.g. Running WatchMon5 firmware on a WatchMon4 or newer firmware using old software.)

  3. You have an incorrect pin code or entered it incorrectly. If this is the case, please look at the article Troubleshooting PINcode (Please note that you can only do one attempt with a pin code every minute.)

Full Wiki article here: TROUBLESHOOTING: Not Authorized To Be In Setup Mode