[NEW] Preview Release 2.17.46

Preview Release Build 46 is ready to be adopted. This release aims to address the voltage issues reported on most CellMate-K9 systems.

If you are running a WMC-K9 system, you may upgrade to this preview version to test:


Download setup at WatchMon Toolkit Installer 2.17.46

You may need to copy and paste the following URL into your browser for it to start:

File created: 29 August 2023

Please define your timezone, update the time sync feature, and reset daily session when updating to this release.
Go to Hardware Configuration - Time Sync Settings for the time sync settings instructions.

You might need to restart the device and set the timezone a couple of times to get it accurate, as outlined in this section: Extra Help to Check if Device Time is Working Properly

Upgrades to this preview release are not recommended for other cell monitors (i.e. BlockMons, LongMons, LeafMons) or older hardware (i.e. WM4/WM5/MM8). We will announce as soon as it is ready for adoption.