Let’s say I started with one battery which is 60KWH, then I add another in a few months’ time but this time, it’s a 30KWH. Given that these batteries have different capacities, wouldn’t the 30KWH battery be depleted first? And if that’s the case, would Batrium then shut down the entire system when the 30KWH battery is depleted? Or am I looking at this incorrectly?
Energy from the battery is always sourced from the system of the lowest impedance. This is why the strongest battery string provides the power first and when it becomes depleted less than another string, that one then takes over.
In a parallel set, they work in unison to balance each other out. If or when there are different strings involved, this idea works somewhat similar.
This is the reason why people talk about making sure that the wiring of the battery busbars needs to be of equal impedance, which some refer to as length.
Know that there is a lot more to this and you really should be reading more about these things to familiarize yourself or ask the help of someone as we cannot advise you for obvious reasons about battery design.
You may need extra help from someone on how to manage unique issues to keep your project safe on electrical cabling fusing and mechanical management depending on the configuration you have chosen.