Leafmon vs CellMate-K9

Is there a reason you’ve recommend the CellMate-K9 over the Leafmon?

We have the LeafMon system, however, it is more than double the price for cell monitoring and has a number of old technology and does not support a number of commercial requirements now provided by the new CellMate-K9.

Reasons why we always recommend the Cellmate-K9 over the LeafMons:

  1. If any one cell goes below 2.1v on a LeafMon system, you will no longer be able to see any of the pack cell voltages as the communication network is then blocked.

  2. LeafMons are double the price and quite difficult to make, which means production will take longer.

  3. The LeafMons have a lot of the small connectors that most people struggle with using.

  4. On the other hand, the Cellmate-K9, has a lot of smarter functionality. More features are expected to be developed for this cell monitor.