I got the devices and have them setup and running however the cellmon calibration feature is not working. Whenever I try to sync the measured value I get this error “Has completed calibration task with an issue” and it doesn’t accept the value.
Also when I try to do a device sync I keep getting the same error message no matter how many times I try to sync. Any suggestions?
Also when I try to sync the cellmon I lose communication with the K9 cellmon
Please be advised that CellMon Calibration is only related to distributed cell monitors, and not to the CellMate-K9 CellMon Voltage Calibrator.
The error would be related to this.
As for the issue that the cellmon loses communication with the CellMate-K9 when synced, this is in order to device sync, calibrate or bypass test the normal monitoring of the cell monitors is necessary. Depending on the setup, this can have flow ons due to when CANbus messages aren’t going to the inverter for a while it can trip this or even a circuit breaker.