Is IsoMon the same as IsoMon3 - trying to get my longmons to work with WatchmonCore

I have older, working WM4 and WM5? with longmons. They work great! However, I bought a WatchmonCore a few months ago as a backup (just in case) and tried to provision it this evening but it won’t read my longmons.

It looks like I need IsoMon 3 per wiki but IsoMon is all I could buy today and visually it looks like it’s the same thing as the IsoMon 3 but the wiki explicity says IsoMon 3. Can someone confirm - this IsoMon I ordered today is the piece I need to enable my WatchmonCore to see my legacy longmons?

I got confirmation from Batrium that IsoMon is the newer, replacement version of IsoMon 3 - so things should be good.

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