Integration with Wakespeed WS500 alternator regulator and Victron GX

HI, We would be very interested to see if integration with the Wakespeed WS500 alternator regulator and Victron GX is possible or been considered?

@StewartT, for the Wakespeed alternator, you can pick the Victron profile as they have the same configuration. However, we are still in need of a project with both Victrton and Wakespeed to validate this.

Hi Renzee, We did try this but as the Wakespeed controller needs to be on VE Can port to appear on the Victron System and needs to communicate directly with the BMS (Batrium) we couldn’t get them to co populate on the VE Can port. I recall they operate at different baud rates but not sure if that’s the only issue? We have access to this system for the rest of the month to test if that helps. Cheers Stewart.

I don’t have the WS500 but I want one to integrate with my existing Victron equipment.

With regard to the baud rate, the CCGX operates at 500kbps and by default the WS500 at 256kbps. But the WS500 can be changed to 500kbps. It is documented in the Wakespeed Communications and Configuration Guide.

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Has anyone had success establishing communication between the Watchmon Core and a Wakespeed WS500 regulator through Victron CANbus connection? I’m considering replacing my aging Genasun regulator with a WS500 to get better insight and control over the APS 160/48 alternator. As far as I can tell my only option for Batrium BMS control is to keep the current “on/off” relay in place on the field or ignition wire for the WS500. I’m hoping someone has found a better way. I find the Batrium BMS to be superior to the REC BMS and would like to avoid heading in that direction for a solution.

We have an install with WS500 running through the Victron Can and system is controlled by the GX device and Batrium BMS.

Thank you for the response. I would like to find out more about your experience with it. I replaced my WatchMon Core based BMS with a REC 2Q BMS a few days ago. It’s working well through CVCC with the WS500 on VE CAN but is missing a lot of the controls and expansion capabilities that I had with the Batrium.

To help the integration of the Wakespeed WS500 regulator for the Victron canbus. We have created a new profile “Reserved 13” that runs at 250kps canbus baudrate using all the same payloads to the Victron equipment.

This is available from release 2.17.46 onwards.

From customer testing

  • they adopted canbus profile “Reserved 13”
  • connected the BMS to the ve.can port along with the wakespeed.
  • BMS didn’t talk to the Wakespeed when the Wakespeed was set to any of the Victron can profiles, however did respond properly when the Wakespeed profile was set to SMA.

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Thank you for the follow up. I’ll pull the REC BMS 2Q at some point and give it a go. I’ve been missing the capabilities of the WatchMon Core that it replaced. The developer of the Wakespeed, Al Thomason, is easy to reach and willing to coordinate. It would be great to see a certified “Batrium” profile on their list like the REC BMS.

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