Historical trend analysis

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting. I have the Batrium watchmoncore and Cellmate K9’s connected to my batteries and have been using for a while now. I find the software tools good, they give good rich information, however I have not been able to find a way to look at historical infomation. I connected it to the web monitoring via the BMI web site thinking this might give me that view put it is still only a point in time list of informatiom.

I’d like to be able to see a graph of total SOC, Current (either in or out), and or voltages (whether total bank voltage or individual Cell voltages) over time, at least daily to i can see peak times of production and use, would also be great to see current draw overnight when i shut down most of the house to see if anything rouge is running, etc.

Is there a way to capture this data in a 3rd party tool since the batrium watchmon does not seem to do it natively?

I tried to follow the wiki guide to get the data into Home assistant where i thought it may be able to collect the data for later analysis, but the wiki page explaining how to connect it seems to only show half the process, and when i import the nodered config, it has errors i can’t fix because i have no idea how to work node red and was relying on the guide.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Hi Shanni,

This functionality is very close. We have an early version done now, and will be releasing it when we have put the finishing touches on it

We also have open data protocol in the works and scheduled for a future software release, but we are working on polished charting first as this benefits more of our customers.

If you’ve set things up as per that guide, then you are all set for when our future firmware release sends the required data.

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I did not have time to look into GitHub - Batrium/WatchMonUdpListener: WatchMon UDP Binary Listener translates to JSON and stores to influxdb but Batrium seems to publish everything to your local network with broadcast traffic. This traffic can be listened with the WatchMonUdpListener and you can then forward the information to an InfluxDB or MQTT.