Checkmon fail 23 high 28 low

high what? low what ? cells removed and replaced but no change? Can anyone explain to me what is high/low 48v 14s 80p. x 2 I have had a Watchmon 5 burn out and replaced with core and k9. The first 14s work fine but the second set gives me the fail. The 15to 22 ok but 23 and 28 as above?
Has the 2nd multi 8 died too? I do not have two k9s.

Hi pot3,
You should replace the measuring wire for the Low warnning cell, use a continuous, uninterrupted wire without a fuse capsule. An imperfect contact on the measuring wire captures a lower voltage reading than the real one. I assume that the electric voltage on cell number N is calculated from (Volts to + on cell N)-(Volts to + on cell N-1). I fixed the warnning of the cell with Low followed by the cell with High by changing the capsule, sometimes the safety. This error always comes with the N-1 Low voltage cell and the N High voltage cell.